We look forward to giving both children and parents positive music experiences.  And not just in our workshops, but perhaps you will be inspired to sing, play and dance more at home too.


Song, playing,
dance and mouvements


Various music activities such as song, movement, playing instruments (for instance, the shaker egg or djembe) give the unique opportunity to meet each other at the same level, no matter what age or background.

In our music group, we often experience a warm and friendly atmosphere. Children use their whole body to experience the music, the adults are there for and with their children, and together we create many golden moments.

Research has shown that exposure to and participation with music from an early age has an extremely positive effect on the child's development.  We strive to give children and parents good experiences around music, and contribute to a holistic development of the child's artistic, musical, social, linguistic, motor and cognitive skills.

For your child, your voice is the most beautiful in the world.  So sing with the voice you have!  In the music groups, we put aside any worries about our own voice and just sing, move and dance as we are. Welcome just as you are!

  • Our music groups are led by well-qualified music teachers.
  • You can find us in the middle of Stavanger, in the cellar of the Sølvberget library and arts centre.
  • We are not affiliated to any church or other religious organisation.
Kristine has led music groups at Barnas Kulturverksted for a number of years. Among other things, she is a teacher with music and drama, and has a master's degree with a focus on aesthetic learning processes. She has a background as culture school teacher, teacher for the deaf children, course leader in kindergartens, choir conductor, and as leader of music and drama activities for children, youths and the elderly with different backgrounds and needs.
Elisabeth is a trained pedagogue and flutist from Stavanger, Oslo and Zurich. She has extensive experience in leading various music activities with young children, asylum seekers and refugees in Barnas kulturverksted, as well as courses  for music educators, kindergarten employees and others who work with young children. She is employed at the Department of Early Childhood Education UiS and at Stavanger Cathedral School Bjergsted. Elisabeth is the educational leader for Barnas kulturverksted.

Eddie is the manager of Barnas Kulturverksted and founded "New Barnas kulturverksted" autumn 1996. Throughout his life, he has provided concerts, courses and performances to children. Eddie is a percussionist and has studied and worked all over the world. He tours regularly for "Den Kulturelle Skolesekken" and also has his own projects, with a diversity from solo and band projects, happenings, family and children's concerts and music as well as theater and dance.
Tine is a singer and has 3 Bachelor degrees in music, one of them in Music and health (Music Therapy). She has many years experience with baby song groups and singing with different generations. Beside working for Barnas kulturverksted, she works as a singer, vocal teacher and choir conductor for different ages.
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